Standardizing an Ethic of Care: How the Food Is Medicine Coalition Established a Comprehensive, Industry Accreditation Program
Grounded in the latest nutrition and medical science, the Food Is Medicine Coalition (FIMC) is a national collective of non-profit organizations across the United States that has provided medically tailored meal (MTM) and tailored grocery (MTG) services for almost 40 years.
As a coalition of leading MTM service providers, FIMC realized the importance of defining their foundational intervention. FIMC partnered with SCS Standards to identify and measure the specific, yet diverse functions, customized services, and components of care offered through FIMC agencies.
A new case study from SCS Standards tells the story of a remarkable collaboration, which resulted in the FIMC Medically Tailored Meal Intervention Accreditation Criteria and Requirements (ACR).
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Victoria Norman
Executive Director
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