Methodology Standard for Stressor-Effects Life Cycle Assessment




Final Standard

Revision Status:

Not Under Revision


This standard will provide a framework for the determination of environmentally relevant category indicators, calculation of indicator results, documentation and reporting requirements. It will facilitate the usefulness of life cycle assessment in supporting decision-making claims made about products and systems, and will complement ISO 14044 and ISO 14040 by providing detailed guidance for Life Cycle Assessment using Stressor-Effects Life Cycle Assessment (SE-LCA) and guidelines for evaluating SE-LCA results for projects and organizations.


SCS-002 Methodology Standard for Stressor-Effects Life Cycle Assessment (SE-LCA) V2.0

Requirements for Calculating Category Indicator Results by Impact Category for SCS-002 SE-LCA Standard V2.0

Modeling of Foregone Growth Requirements for SCS-002 SE-LCA V2.0

SCS Standards Certification and Approval Requirements V1.0